When was the last time you were behind your garage?
A place on your property that is often forgotten.
We were with this customer and took down 8 trees, one of which was almost completely dry, and some of them sick. What about a tree that falls over your garage / house if it is your tree or your neighbor's tree?
If the tree is obviously sick or bad, is it the owner's responsibility?
And maybe the insurance doesn't apply. Read more here at Vi i villa's website (in Swedish)! Rut deduction is increased.
Both RUT and ROT will be increased to 75 thousand each, as of July 1, 2024.
Read more at SvD näringsliv (in Swedish).
Follow behind our customer's garage as we remove the trees and secure the garage from possible falling trees
We take them down piece by piece, so as not to risk something ending up in the garage.
Sufficiently long pieces for firewood and after splitting, here was a total of 4 cubic meters of wood.
If you know what firewood costs, you can easily calculate that it will be a nice extra profit for next winter when the wood has dried and provides a lovely warmth.